New York Airport Jet Blast Accidents

by mhecht

Airports in New York can be very dangerous places to work. In addition to various trucks, tugs and other motor vehicles moving around the tarmac delivering fuel, baggage and cargo, the aircrafts at the airport can present a hazard to airport workers.

Jet Blasts

An airport worker can be struck by the jet blast from an aircraft whose engines have been engaged while stationary at a terminal or when the aircraft is moving. We have seen cases where an airport worker, going about his or her business is struck by the jet blast exhaust created by the aircraft’s engines.

If an airport employee is injured by a jet blast on the tarmac, the airline or an airport
operator, such as The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, may be responsible.

If you are an airport worker at one of New York’s airports and have been injured by a jet blast at work, call our office at (212) 226-2400 for a free consultation. We may be able to help you with a case so that you can get the compensation that you deserve.

New York Airport Vehicle Accidents

The tarmac of an airport can be a very dangerous place. Whether you are working as a baggage handler, cargo worker or delivering fuel to an aircraft, and are involved in a motor vehicle accident at the airport, we may be able to help you. Vehicles from different companies being used for various jobs at the airport may not be operated with the appropriate care. Accidents can happen and workers on the tarmac can be injured.

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident on the tarmac of one of New
York’s airports, and suffered injuries, you may have a right to compensation if the accident was caused by the carelessness and/or negligence of another party.

Call our offices at (212) 226-2400 for a free consultation.

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